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The Electrical Dealers International Market (EDIM) Obosi, led by Ambassador Chike Onunkwo, has committed to demolishing dilapidated buildings within the market to ensure the safety of its traders.

Speaking during the Weekly Market Prayers, Ambassador Onunkwo highlighted that one of the security towers has become severely dilapidated and could collapse at any moment. In response, the Union, with the support of the Board of Trustees, Patrons, and Elders of EDIM Obosi, has developed plans to bring down the three-story tower, which has become a potential disaster waiting to happen.

According to Ambassador Onunkwo, the security tower was constructed by the former Chairman of the Market, Chief Innocent Muojekwu, over nineteen years ago.

In a statement to the press, Ambassador Onunkwo claimed that one Mr. Chekwube Nwankwo had obstructed the entrance to the tower, as well as the road and drainage channel surrounding it, with his hardware products. He noted that the Union had repeatedly pleaded with Mr. Nwankwo to clear his wares, but to no avail.

Ambassador Onunkwo further stated that, following the directive of ASUDEB, the Union had urged Mr. Nwankwo to remove his products to facilitate the tower’s demolition. He called on the state government to assist them in this effort to prevent any future disaster.

On his part, former Chairman Chief Innocent Muojekwu mentioned that three security towers were built during his tenure to enhance market security, but one has now fallen into disrepair. He reiterated that the Union had repeatedly asked Mr. Nwankwo to remove heavy wares and equipment around the tower to facilitate its demolition, but he has consistently refused for reasons known only to him.

Chief Muojekwu alleged that Mr. Nwankwo was responsible for escalating the matter to ASUDEB while failing to comply with removal notices from relevant government agencies.

Sir Anthony Okwuchukwu Adibe, a member of the Board of Trustees for the Electrical Dealers Association, expressed disappointment at Mr. Nwankwo’s refusal to cooperate, stating that his wares obstructed access for the bulldozer. He noted that any attempt to remove the tower without first clearing the equipment could lead to damage.

In response, Mr. Chekwube Nwankwo, a former Prayer Group Leader at the Electrical Dealers Market, claimed he had reported the tower’s poor condition to the last three administrations due to concerns for his family’s safety. He further indicated that he had brought the matter to the current administration’s attention and their market platform, but no action had been taken, prompting him to escalate the issue to ASUDEB.

He assured that he would remove the equipment within the next two weeks as advised by a purported government functionary, a claim contested by the Market Chairman, who stated he was unaware of such guidance.


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