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On Friday, a charter plane with JD Vance, the US Republican vice-presidential candidate, had to make an emergency landing because of a door malfunction.

Vance had just departed from Milwaukee on a Boeing 737 after attending a campaign event with local police officers.

Soon after takeoff, the crew found a malfunction and chose to return to the airport for urgent repairs.

BBC reports that the plane proceeded to Cincinnati, Mr. Vance’s residence, after completing repairs.

Former President Donald Trump’s plane made an emergency landing last week during his trip to a Montana rally.

On Friday afternoon, when the emergency was declared, Mr. Vance was traveling with his wife Usha, their dog Atlas, his campaign team, and reporters.

Taylor VanKirk, a spokeswoman for Mr. Vance, indicated that the pilot reported a door seal malfunction.

She stated, “Trump Force Two returned to Milwaukee after declaring an emergency. Once the issue was fixed, the plane continued to Cincinnati.”

The New York Times reports that the pilot instructed passengers to fasten their seatbelts about four minutes after takeoff. The paper stated that Secret Service agents on the plane were confused and laughed, and some passengers didn’t realize there was an emergency until after landing.

The pilot later apologized over the intercom for causing “elevated heart rates.”

Earlier this month, Mr. Vance’s plane and Vice President Kamala Harris’s plane were coincidentally parked nearby in Wisconsin. Mr. Vance humorously toured the aircraft designated for U.S. vice presidents and joked to reporters, “I just wanted to see my future plane.”

In May, Trump’s plane lightly hit a parked private jet on a Florida tarmac while taxiing.

No injuries were reported, and it was uncertain if Trump was on the aircraft at that time. Earlier that day, he attended a New Jersey rally.


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