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Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital Enugu

A coalition of civil society and human rights groups, Joint National Actions Front Nigeria, has petitioned President Bola Tinubu, the Chief of Staff, and the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF) to suspend the confirmation of Dr. Ngozi Unogu as the Chief Medical Director (CMD) of the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Enugu.

The group alleges that Dr. Unogu’s appointment is a result of the Minister of State for Health, Dr. Tunji Alausa’s, administrative recklessness and disregard for due process.

In the petition, the group alleged that Dr. Alausa had previously sacked the substantive Medical Director, Dr. Monday Nwite Igwe, without following the proper procedures, despite Dr. Igwe being cleared by a ministerial panel.

The petition was jointly signed by Tunji Olajide on behalf of Citizen watch, while Salusi Badamasi signed for Social Rights and Justice, and Martins Henry for Advocacy and sustainable Governance Initiative

During a press conference in Abuja on Monday, September 23, 2024, representatives expressed concern over the troubling situation at the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Enugu.

Part of the statement reads; “The Minister of State for Health, Dr. Tunji Alausa, is attempting to install his preferred candidate, Dr. Ngozichukwu Unaogu, as the the New MD of the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Enugu, despite her failure to pass the examination interview.

“Without following due process, the minister abruptly dismissed the incumbent Medical Director, Dr. Monday Nwite Igwe, and replaced him with Dr. Unogu, a rumored associate, even though she is not the most senior consultant eligible for the position. Dr. Igwe had been suspended by the minister for trivial matters but was subsequently cleared by a ministerial panel, which recommended his warning and reinstatement. Instead, Dr. Alausa bypassed the Secretary of the Federation, as required by law, and requested Dr. Igwe’s dismissal from the president. Importantly, the minister lacks the authority to suspend a chief executive appointed by the president.

“Dr. Igwe was removed just three months into his second term, prompting him to appeal to the House Committee on Public Wrongs. The committee concluded that the minister misled the president regarding Dr. Igwe’s dismissal. They ordered the Ministry of Health to reinstate him, but their directive was ignored.

“Dr. Alausa then advertised the medical director position, disregarding the fact that he has no jurisdiction to suspend a chief executive officer appointed by the president. When Dr. Igwe took the matter to the Industrial Court, Dr. Alausa was duly served with court papers. Rather than maintaining the status quo, he ignored the court’s order and proceeded to accelerate the process of appointing Dr. Ngozi Unogu as the hospital’s medical director, despite her extended tenure in an acting role, which violates public service rules.

“The ministry shortlisted two candidates: Dr. Ngozi Unogu and Dr. Andrew Oroghiwo. Meanwhile, two other doctors from Enugu, Dr. Onyebueke and Dr. Obayi, were disqualified under dubious pretenses, likely to streamline the competition in favor of Dr. Unogu. This scenario lends credence to allegations made earlier to the Secretary of the Government of the Federation, suggesting that Dr. Tunji Alausa is determined to secure Dr. Ngozi Unogu’s appointment as the medical director at any cost.It is also alleged that both have requested a 40 billion Naira intervention fund for an abandoned building complex in front of the hospital, raising questions about the minister’s motives.

“After the interview for the medical director position, Dr. Andrew Oroghiwo scored 65.3, surpassing Dr. Ngozi Unogu’s score of 59.2, which fell below the 60 percent benchmark required for promotion within the civil service.

“Once the situation became public, Dr. Alausa enlisted the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) to investigate Dr. Oroghiwo, using the government’s authority to intimidate the candidate who had performed best in the interview. The ICPC summoned Dr. Oroghiwo to their office in Abuja and requested his bank statements from 2022, seizing his phone for over a week.

“Dr. Unogu has allegedly boasted that no one can remove her from her position due to her close relationship with the minister. After serving in an acting capacity for over a year, the question remains: will she continue to act in her role despite the interview results?

“The minister has refused to adhere to civil service procedures, disregarding numerous petitions against Dr. Ngozi Unogu, particularly from Enugu-based lawyer Barrister Ray Nnaji.

“The examination for the new medical director drew an audience of prominent figures, including the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Health, who was present from start to finish, fully anticipating the current situation. She recorded the entire process and secured the signatures of both candidates, affirming that the examination was conducted fairly and that they would accept its outcome. The Federal Character Commission was also represented, and eight government officials signed off on the results. Despite this, Dr. Alausa has withheld the results instead of forwarding them, along with the name of the successful candidate, to the presidency. A reliable source within the Ministry has informed us that he submitted a recommendation bearing only his signature in an attempt to deceive the President yet again. Such behavior has never occurred in the history of hospital chief executive appointments in this country.

“Dr. Ngozi Unogu informed Dr. Alausa that she does not wish to work alongside Dr. Ndu, the principal of the Post Basic School of Psychiatric Nursing, who had previously sued her and three others—two of whom remain at large—for character assassination. In 2017, Dr. Ndu won the lawsuit after they made serious allegations against her to the then Minister of Health and law enforcement agencies.

“Dr. Unogu has, since September of last year, instigated allies within the Ministry to seek reasons to dismiss Dr. Ndu, cycling through one baseless allegation after another, all without regard for public service rules.

“Dr. Ndu has faced suspension and interdiction for an entire year without salary, a violation of the public service rule that states all disciplinary proceedings must conclude within 180 days.

“In 2017, Dr. Ndu sued Dr. Unogu, Dr. Ubochi, and two others for defamation, and the court ruled against Unogu and her colleagues. Now, as the acting Medical Director, Dr. Unogu has convened a senior staff committee, appointing herself chair and Dr. Ubochi as vice-chair, to address the very issues the court already adjudicated. Is this not a contempt of court? How can Dr. Ndu expect justice? Dr. Unogu and Dr. Ubochi are using flimsy excuses to pursue a personal vendetta against Dr. Ndu, all in an effort to sustain their unlawful positions.

“Dr. Tunji Alausa, who studied in Atlanta, USA, surely would not tolerate such actions there. He seems to believe Nigeria is a dumping ground for unbridled misconduct.

As an organization, we will not permit the Minister to treat a public institution as his personal playground. The rate at which he fosters impunity will be met with resistance from our group through picketing and protests at his office. He exemplifies the worst of governance given his track record. By October 1, 2024, Dr. Tunji Alausa MUST be removed.

“Therefore, we are giving the federal government of Nigeria two weeks to intervene and restore due process, or they will face our collective action.”


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