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After Six Years Trial, Offa Bank Robbers To Die By Hanging

Justice Haleema Saliman of the Kwara State High Court has ordered that the five remaining suspects in the Offa bank robbery trial be hanged following a six-year legal battle that began in 2018.

The men sentenced are Ayoade Akinnibosun, Azeez Salahudeen, Niyi Ogundiran, Ibikunle Ogunleye, and Adeola Abraham.

The principal suspect, a dismissed police officer named Michael Adikwu, reportedly died while in police custody.

In a nearly three-hour reading of her judgment, Justice Saliman convicted the five on charges of culpable homicide and armed robbery, both punishable by death by hanging. However, she imposed a three-year prison sentence, instead of the maximum of ten years, for illegal possession of firearms, citing the court’s discretion.

She noted that the video evidence presented by the prosecution contradicted the defendants’ claims.

“The five of you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead. May the Lord have mercy on your souls,” ruled Justice Saliman.

“It is unfortunate that we are witnessing five able-bodied men who had numerous opportunities to improve their lives through honest means. Some were even connected to the powers that be, yet they squandered those chances and chose to break the law, mistakenly believing they could escape justice in a country where the rule of law prevails.”

She emphasized, “Their lives cannot be valued above the countless lives lost in the robbery and murder. The court has enforced man-made law, but vengeance remains with God.”

Prosecutor Rotimi Jacobs (SAN) expressed satisfaction with the verdict, thanking the judge for her diligent efforts amidst multiple delays, while also reminding that the defendants retain the right to appeal.

Defense attorney Adeniyi Zachariyau Jimba, representing lead counsel Matthias Emeribe, said they were not surprised by the ruling given the public interest surrounding the case and were already preparing for an appeal.

Daily Trust reports that over 30 individuals, including approximately nine police officers, were brutally killed in the robbery, which captured international attention.

The judgment, initially scheduled for August 2, was postponed due to hardship protests at that time.

Justice Saliman had incorporated the final written addresses that contained the arguments of the two lead counsels in the case.


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