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Photo of a rape victim used to illustrate the story

A resident of the Mile 2 area in Diobu community, Port Harcourt, identified only as Chinedu, has gone on the run to avoid arrest over allegations of repeatedly raping his 14-year-old daughter for the past two years.

According to sources, the shocking revelations came to light when the young victim confided in a neighbor about her harrowing experiences at the hands of her father. In response, the neighbor bravely escorted her to the Azikiwe Police Division in Illabouchi, Mile 2 Diobu, where the matter was officially reported.

During her statement, the teenage girl claimed that her father had been abusing her for two years. Residents recounted that Chinedu fled before police detectives from Azikiwe Division could arrive at his home.

At the time of this report, it was revealed that the girl’s mother, the suspect’s estranged wife, had taken her away for safety.

According to PM News, when the resident was visited on Thursday, the doors of Chinedu’s bar were locked tight, as if hiding secrets that could shatter lives.

Meanwhile, Rights Advocate and National Coordinator of the Centre for Basic Rights Protection and Accountability Campaign, Mr. Prince Wiro, has urged residents with any information about the suspect’s whereabouts to share it with the police.

He emphasized that allowing the suspect to surface would enable him to contest the serious allegations of incest and defilement against him, as the true nature of the claims cannot be determined without his presence for investigation.

As of now, the spokesperson for the Rivers State Police Command, Superintendent Grace Iringe-Koko, has yet to respond to our reporter’s inquiries about this incident, but multiple police sources have confirmed its occurrence.


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