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ALL is now set for the formal inauguration of Biafra National Council (BNC) by Niger Delta activist, Alhaji Mujahid Asari-Dokubo and other leaders of the coalition fighting for the separation of Biafra from Nigeria.

According to a statement issued on Monday, August 12, 2019, signed by the chairman of the coalition groups, Asari-Dokubo, the inauguration will take place in Yenagoa, Bayelsa state on August 17, 2019 by 11.30am.

“It is with great sense of humility and purpose that we introduce Biafra National Council to you. Biafra National Council is a coalition of Social-cultural, Pro-Independence and Apolitical groups necessitated upon by the disunity amongst all pro-Independence groups, unwilling nature to team together to pursue the purposes of self-determination of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra.

“Countless attempts have been engineered previously to bring every component Clans/Tribes of the Old Eastern Nigeria and other brother clans of Biafra extraction who were demarcated by the Nigeria state by way of boundary adjustment, our people such as the Igbanke of Edo state, Indigenes of Delta state, and our Igbo brothers in Benue State amongst others without no consultation.

“The remnant of our people who suffered the abominable genocide during the Nigeria- Biafra war have been forsaken and living in squalor in the midst of abundant God-given resources courtesy the failed Nigeria state’” the statement said.

It further stated that “Biafra National Council is formed to coalesce our people together with a sense of purpose, having realized that without the coming together of all Indigenous tribes of Biafra to fight this monster hydra called Nigeria. “We are all marked to be doomed and our race shall be wiped out of the surface of earth, hence the essence of setting up BNC.

“This Council is copied in a reflection of the defunct Eastern Elders Consultative forum that existed during the leadership of Gen. Odumegwu Ojukwu, Dr M.I. Okpara among others,” it said adding that the aims and objectives of the Council were similar but with little additions which make BNC unique.

“Sequel to the above, Biafra National Council is set to be inaugurated officially on the below-mentioned date. We issue this public invitation to all Biafra citizenry, people of Goodwill and lovers of peace and freedom, the Press/Media and the general public to this historic event,” Asari stated.

“The aforementioned date is a day that God has planned and ALL Indigenous tribes of Biafra shall speak in one voice to the world that the once seemed soured relationship has been restored and unitedly we pursue our self-determination,” the statement concluded.


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