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Publisher of Leadership Newspapers, Sam Nda-Isaiah

Leadership Group Limited Chairman Sam Nda-Isaiah will be buried on December 28 in Abuja.

A service of songs will hold on December 27 at the International Conference Centre (ICC) in Abuja by 3pm.

Nda-Isaiah, who held the traditional title of Kakaki Nupe, died on Friday, December 11 in Abuja after a brief illness. He was 58 years.

President Muhammadu Buhari and other prominent Nigerians, including former presidents and elder statesmen, have paid glowing tributes to the late publisher over his enormous contributions to the media community and national development.

While the Senate observed a one minute silence in respect of Nda-Isaiah on Wednesday, various institutions and foreign countries have also sympathised with his immediate family and the entire LEADERSHIP family, noting his passion for a better Nigeria.


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