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2023 Election

Katsina Governor, Aminu Masari has argued that the south should produce the next president.

Masari made this known during an interview on Channels Television’s “Politics Today” .

He stressed that a non-northerner should succeed President Buhari in 2023.

“If you ask me as a person Aminu, I think we should move the presidency to the southern part of the country,”

Although he did not specify which particular geographical region of the south should produce the next Presidency, he simply said “South is South.”

The governor expressed confidence the ruling All Progressives Congress(APC) will fare well after President Buhari’s tenure despite current national challenges.

Masari stated no political party has brought social interventions for the masses in Nigeria’s history like the APC.

When asked if the APC was the nation’s saviour, the Governor replied: “Of course, by all means. Let everybody come with a balance sheet of what they got yesterday and what we get today and compare notes.”


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