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Dino Melaye

The Peoples Democratic Party Candidate in the last Saturday Governorship election in Kogi State Senator Dino Melaye has called for total cancellation of the election following the massive rigging aided by Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC.

Melaye made this call at press conference in Lokoja on Sunday, condemning the conduct of Saturday’s election in Kogi State in totality.

Meyale described the exercise as shameful and unhealthy , regretting that INEC has not learnt any lesson to realise , ameliorate and palliate the problem they created to democratic process during the general elections in the country, still repeating the same in the governorship election.

“Yesterday in the five local governments of central senatorial districts in Kogi State, there was no election. In the end surprisingly, accreditation was done manually, the BVAS was not used.

“Prepared sheets manifested even before accreditation and evidence is all over media.

“INEC as matter of urgency must cancel the election. Many areas where I won, my agents were told there were no available result sheet to enter the result and we have evidence to back up this claims.

“As I speak to you, it is shameful that this is what our democracy has descended to.

“INEC has manifested ever than before, that they can not be trusted, they are biased, they are compromised and they can not be a neutral umpire.

“INEC officials, youth corps members were caught yesterday with prepared result sheets even before the commencement of the processes. A youth corps member was arrested with prepared result and N1 million.

“There was deliberate suppression my of my votes in Lokoja and Kogi local governments. This was deliberately done by governor Yahaya Bello and APC to make sure that even by their orchestrated arrangement, I don’t come second, because they do believe that there will be a a second ballot and they believe if there is a second ballot I have influence and tremendous support in the central and I can make an in road in the East.

“So they preferred any other person to come second,” Senator Melaye posited.


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