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The Nigeria’s Peace and Development Advocates, NPDA has described as “act of Treason” the killing of 17 Soldiers at the Okuama community of Delta State by “youths and sponsored militants.

NPDA in a press conference held in Enugu on Wednesday, 4th April, 2024, said the heinous crime is “meant to cause fear on the commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and to decimate the symbol of authority of the Nigerian state (soldiers) carrying out authorised legitimate military operation,” stressing that the intent is to make Nigeria ungovernable.

The statement which was signed by the National coordinator of NPDA, Hon. Chukwunonye Okereke and his Secretary, Barr. Forster Ugwoke called on President Bola Tinubu to “rise to the occasion and assert the sovereign authority of the Nigerian state to instill sanity in our polity.

They further criticised the actions of some public commentators and analysts describing them as paid hirelings.

“We have watched with dismay how opinion moulders and public affair analysts sponsored by these actors have carried out mindless dance on the graves of the slain soldiers. These characters who sometimes masquerade as national figures have so mindlessly done so on flimsy and unfounded arguments brought forward on national television. We state without fear of equivocation that such support for the opprobrious carnage and brigandage is tantamount to ‘accessory after the fact’ of the treason felony. Let us be clear, the original crime and subsequent support are treasonous felonies and clear declaration of war on Federal Republic of Nigeria.”

The group demands that;
“thorough investigation be carried out to unmask the faces behind the current treason as we we’re certain that the militant youths didn’t act on their own volition.

“anyone found culpable no matter how highly placed, be timeously brought to book to face the wrath of tye law.

“If anyone found culpable is currently enjoying immunity, that such person be stripped of his immunity with immediate effect and all his security details withdrawn as the person can’t declare war against the federal republic of Nigeria and still enjoys protection of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“State of emergency be declared on any territory that has with implicit support of local authorities, wittingly or unwittingly taken up arms against the Nigerian state.”

NPDA also commended the president for supporting the families of the victims

“We want to convey our deepest gratitude to the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces of the federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his sincere support to the families of our fallen heroes by rewarding the sacrifices of those patriots with houses, scholarships and other benefits granted to their families and loved ones. We equally commend his statesmanship for being personally in attendance to honour these great martyrs of the Nigerian state at their funeral.

“We also wish to commend the doggedness of the service chiefs in curtailing the perennial oil thef in the Niger Delta region and standing up to these non-stater actors that have taken up arms against Nigeria.”


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