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The youngest People’s Democratic Party (PDP) presidential aspirant in the 2023 general elections, Dr. Ugochukwu Williams, has dumped the party.

The aspirant, who threw his hat in the ring for the PDP ticket at 38, stated this in a resignation letter to the Chairman of Chokoneze/Akpodim/Ife Ward of the PDP in Ezinihitte Mbaise LGA of Imo State.

Citing inconsistencies in the party’s recent affairs and the founding principles of “Power To The People” on which the party was founded, Williams alleged party has failed to uphold the democratic process in its dealings in recent times and adhere to the guidelines and constitution, thereby allowing certain individuals to be more powerful than ”the constitution and entire structure of the party.

Referencing the Holy Bible, he said ‘the PDP has lost its taste’.

He stressed as the youngest presidential aspirant of the PDP in the last presidential primary, these developments are in direct conflict with his political philosophy and expectations, leaving him constrained by a huge moral burden to resign his membership of the party.

Williams, however, stated that he still treasured the close working relationships he developed with several individuals in the party but he has come to the decision to leave the party after profound reflection and consultation with his close associates and supporters.

He has, however, not revealed his next line of action.


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