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Genuine self-appreciation that comes through earnest realization of self-worth is one of the reasons for creative ingenuity – and it births every invention and discovery. This is one of the secrets behind the “I can do it spirit” of the Igbo person, yes every Igbo man and woman that stretches beyond limitations to make things happen. The determination, and the zeal, for survival is common amongst the race. They can stop at nothing to make ends meet. They don’t just discover needs but they always strive to meet them, providing solutions to problems.

The assertion that to every disability, there is a corresponding ability; to every disadvantage, there is the seed of equal advantage hold true amongst the Igbo. Whatever the circumstance; whatever the situation; they move about with the dominant aspiration and gross desire to come out better, bigger and stronger. An Igbo truck pusher has the belief that he would be the reigning king tomorrow – and with this mindset he does his work with joy and satisfaction while waiting for a better tomorrow.

Oh the triumphant march of a people begins with the desire to beat history and set new records straight. In the bid to be self-reliant, the Igbo embrace the odds, accept their fate and work tirelessly to coming out with something good, better and great. In their attempts to create something into existence and convert waste into wealth, they are everywhere and produce so many things that have been tagged “Igbo Made” which comes with mixed feelings: joy to some and derision to some others who for one reason or the other develop goose pimple for everything Igbo! Whatever the case, Igbo people are integral part of the human race and they have done so much to beautify the world and promote peaceful co-existence.

The solution to any problem is within the problem but such solution(s) could be seen by the eyes that look beyond the ordinary and when seen, it takes courage and determination to bring that to reality, into existence. The drive to provide solutions to problems and the strife to create something into existence is the reason for Igbo Made Goods. They are made to fill a gap, meet a need and fulfill a purpose. And in appreciation of this fact, someone said that the Igbo can bring out water from the rock! In other words, there is nothing they cannot conceive and do.

What is Igbo Made Goods?

For the purpose of this write-up, Igbo Made Goods can be defined as any goods (products and services) made by Igbo person (home and abroad) especially in Igbo land primarily to provide solutions to problems. They generate revenues, create job opportunities, provide employment and add values to life.

Igbo Made Goods cut across every facet of human endeavours. There is virtually nothing they cannot produce – and most of them are of high quality, meeting international best practices. Contrary to insinuations in some quarters amongst some people that Igbo Made Goods are fake and substandard, most of the goods are of high quality and grade. Fake products come in every shade and space and are not synonymous with a people or a tribe. One cannot deny the fact that there are some “substandard” Igbo Made Goods but the fact remains that the existence of fake is a proof that there is the original. Therefore, while appeals should be made to any Igbo person who deliberately make substandard products to desist from doing so, and every such substandard product should be recalled when discovered with the maker(s) sanctioned and thereafter mandated to improve upon the products. This becomes imperative because change is constant and it pays to change for better.

One striking feature of these goods is that in times of scarcity, they can be produced within the shortest period of time. With a stroke of creativity, they turn “scrabs” into substances of value, creating employment opportunities and converting wastes into wealth for the people and the government.

As a local content, there is need to promote and patronize Igbo Made Goods locally and internationally. The benefits and rewards for this are unlimited and unquantifiable.

Some of the reasons to patronize Igbo Made Goods now more than anything else include: reduced dependence on imports, job creation, higher tax base, increased competition, environment-friendly, good return on investment, revenue generation and provision of security.

The government – state and federal – should do everything reasonably good to promote our locally made goods, encourage the manufacturers and sensitize the people on the need to patronize and use such goods. Efforts should be made to motivate everyone who produces something locally. In addition to providing conducive environment for business, the government should woo local manufacturers; give them some training with other incentives and grants. This is one of the ways for self-sufficiency. Therefore, let more Igbo people go into the production of more Igbo Made Goods and in doing so, they should work within the prescriptions of the law and in line with regulatory authorities. Approach the appropriate authority for guidelines, guidance and certifications – and with passion, promote your products.


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