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A commander of the Livestock Guard has been shot dead in Ukum Local Government Area of Benue State.

The Livestock Guards was established by the government to ensure the compliance of the State Anti-open Grazing Law.

Witnesses said the killing of the ward commander whose name was given as, Jarule Likita, has generated tension in the area.

Locals said the deceased commander manned the Mbatian ward of Ukum LGA until he was killed.

The deceased Likita according to local sources died after he was shot severally in the chest by the gunmen at Tine-Nune settlement in Ukum LGA of the state.

The killing of Likita makes him the fifth ward Livestock commanders to have been murdered by such unknown gunmen in Ukum area in recent time.

The State Commander of the Livestock Guards, Linus Zaki, in a telephone conversation with our correspondent, however, put the figures of his men killed in the area recently at four.

“I was just informed that some armed men attacked and killed him (Likita). Today he is the only one that was killed. They have been killing them like that. Three of my men died about two months back. They just come, fire them and go away.

“They call them gunmen, unknown gunmen that is the report reaching me. One went to pick his wife and was gunned down so also others. I do not know where these gunmen are coming from,” Zaki said.


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